5.4 – Worte des Meisters

Hier findet man eine kleine Auswahl an Versen des Buches GURU VACHAKA KOVAI – The garland of the Guru´s sayings von Muruganar.
Muruganar ist einer der ersten und wichtigsten (im Sinne der Erklärung und Weitergabe von Sicht und Praxis) Schüler RAMANA MAHARSHIs. Muruganar lebte lange bei RAMANA MAHARSHI. Es handelt sich um Aufzeichnungen von Aussagen RAMANA MAHARSHIs, übersetzt von Swaminathan.

„Self“ bedeute hier immer das, was ich „Wirkliches ICH“ bezeichne. Andere Begriffe sind „Natürlicher Zustand“ (SWARUPA), Vollkommenheit der Weisheit, JNANA, BUDDHA oder BRAHMAN. Das „Wirkliche ICH“ ist formloses, selbstgewahres SEIN jenseits von Körper und Geist, jenseits von Subjekt und Objekt. Dieses ist immer als „Ich-Gefühl“ anwesend – daher die Praxisanleitung RAMANA MAHARSHIs: „Suche die Quelle des „Ich-Gefühls“. „Ego-Ich“ bedeutet hier die Identifikation mit dem Körper und Geist, also das „Gefühl“, ein Körper mit einem denkenden Geist zu sein.

Wird dieses „Wirkliche ICH“ direkt erkannt während der Praxis (und später immer, also auch im Alltag), dann „erlebt“ man den Zustand dessen, was in ADVAITA VEDANTA „Eines-ohne-Zweites“ genannt wird. Also die Nondualität oder Transzendenz bzw. die Einheit alles Seienden, alles Lebendigen, der gesamten Natur und des Kosmos („BRAHMAN“). Dieser „Zustand“ wird als „Immerwährende Glückseligkeit“ umschrieben

Verse 156:
Lapsing from the Self, the seat, the being-awareness vast and unbroken,
a separate „I“ springs up which falls into the error of confronting a world perceived
as something other than the Self.

Verse 157:
Trusting the body´s truth, the false, self-blinded ego-knot lusts after various allurements,
all imaginary like the blueness of the sky, and thus tightens into hardness.

Verse 158:
The mind´s eye jaundiced by desire, blind to the Self, mistakes the body as the „I“, and
sees the world objectively as something other than the Self.

Verse 159:
The life of folly lived by the filthy ego is a dream, a passing fancy in the Self,
blissful Siva supreme.

Verse 197:
When the distracted and bewildered ego-mind and the last trace of difference having ended, life becomes a natural state of perfect purity and peace, one lieves in Siva as Siva Himself.

Verse 198:
When the ego ends and merges into the Heart´s awareness, all false concepts disappear.
What is known as Sivahood is this supreme state, pure Awareness.
All-pervading, all-transcending, eternal is the Supreme.
When the mind merging in its own source is cleaned, this state of pure Awareness is Sivahood.

Verse 204:
Perfect Selfhood, peace serene, all thoughts in stillness lost, identity with Being-Awareness – this alone is the pure worship (puja) of Siva.

Verse 256:
The true „Heart“, indefinable, is the mere „I AM“, selfshining Being, pure Awareness,
space supreme, perfect wholeness, primal stillness.

Verse 257:
The Supreme is formless.
It is only True Being as bright Awareness.

Verse 258:
Mind´s dissolution in the Self, the ozean of Being-Awareness, this is peace eternal.
The Heart´s vast space, the love-filled ozean of Bliss Supreme, is the true „I“.

Verse 260:
Though present everywhere, the Heart is not within and not without.
The body, which alone admits „in“ and „out“ is but a concept of the thinking mind.

Verse 265:
The Heart alone abides, shining as true, pure Being only.
This is the world of Bliss Supreme.

Verse 266:
Free of the notion „I am this body.“ the Awareness of Pure Being – this is the Self –
the universal power supreme abiding in each creature´s Heart.

Verse 267:
Shining within as mere nondual Being, Awareness, our true nature –
this alone is the ultimate Jnana, the Silence, unknown to the ego-mind.

Verse 269:
The strong, steady stream of Bhakti, issuing from the supreme state of egoless stillness bright, which marks the true disciple, also marks the true guru.

Verse 270:
He who draws creatures to the Self and grants transcendent Self-experience,
cling to him as the Guru Supreme, another form of the Self !

Verse 272:
Why does one need an outer Guru ? Because the mind with maddening thoughts darts out and does not willingly listen to the truth
proclaimed eternally within the Heart, one´s own Self !

Verse 273:
The Self, Being-Awareness, shining as all things, is the True Guru.

Verse 275:
Those who suffer Samsara´s pain, the cure that kills all grief is joy,
the joy that flows from the good Guru´s grace.

Verse 284:
Those on whom the Guru´s glance of grace has fallen are bound to have their ego slain and know the one Supreme Awareness – they will never be forsaken.

Verse 287:
By the master´s grace, the True Being shining pure, the Vedas end beyond all knowing.
The Supreme Itself springs off It´s own accord, bright as „the I of the I“.

„devotion“ und „grace“ ist nichts anderes als Bhakti –
LIEBE zum Guru, Liebe zur Schülerin und allen Wesen, Liebe zum Wahren Selbst !
„Liebe“ ist daher eine viel bessere Übersetzung als „Hingabe“ oder „Segen“
(mit deren christlich angehauchten Assoziationen).

Verse 309:
Siva supreme appears and moves among us as our Guru.
The highest end to seek and gain is egoless Being through identity with Him.

Verse 311:
When deep Mouna becomes firm, this firmness is the wisest mode of worshipping the Guru.

Verse 312:
Enquiring who this „I“ of mine may be,
the pupil gains complete identity with the Guru-Self and loses her separate self.
This ending of the false ego is the worship of the master.

Verse 319:
To abide within the Heart is worship of the flowery feet of the Silent Guru
who transcends all thoughts.

Verse 321:
You cannot gain the Ultimate Bliss until you reach the Guru´s feet.

Verse 351:
Scan the troublesome phantom called ego, and you find that it is nothing.
It´s sole substratum is the Self, the One Reality.

Verse 352:
When ego dies, one gains the Bliss, one´s own eternal home.
When ego goes, there is no loss of Being – so, don´t be afraid !

Verse 355:
The Self as Being persistently shines in all three states – this is the true „I“ !

Verse 356:
The total absence of the „I-thought“ is the state supreme of Being the Self.

Verse 358:
The egoless state is our true Being as pure Awareness, the blissful peace of Sivahood.

Verse 360:
Natural, unbroken, ever-present, all Maya gone, shines the true „I“.

Verse 361:
Those whose body-bound ego is dead live a life of Pure Awareness, rejoicing in the Self, carefree, in peace, unruffled by desire.

Verse 366:
Rebirth is the immeasurable Silence of nondual Being.
The pure transcendent Bliss experienced in that state abides as one´s own natural Self.

Verse 464:
As free from all desires It shines in lustrous fullness in the Heart,
bright nondual Awareness-Bliss.
Beyond all differences is True Being.

Verse 651:
Love alone is Siva.
Love alone is the Self.
Love alone is the Satguru.

Verse 652:
To cut the knot of the Heart one must understand that the Self is love itself.
Only when one knows that Love Supreme is Moksha gained.

Love is supreme identity – desire is duality !

Verse 653:
Approach the Guru with love, offer him true, whole-hearted love !

Verse 655:
See love, hear love, reach out and touch love, eat love, sweet love, and smell love !
For love is but the Self´s Awareness of Itself !

The universe is the Self, and is to be enjoyed through all the five senses
as love embodied – the world is the form and substance of love.

Verse 718:
Who is the perfect Bhakt ?
The one who is STILL, merges deep into the Self, Siva eternal.

Verse 719:
Who is the perfect Bhakta ?
The one who destroys the I-thought, the ego false, by merging it in the infinite peace of Being.

Verse 721:
Mukti is but the silence which follows the aggressive ego´s end.
True Siva-Bhakti is to merge the mind entirely in the Self, and be the Self alone.
Verse 724:
When one reaches the journey´s end, after adopting self-enquiry, and gains Samadhi´s Bliss, it is solely due to the grace of the Guru, one´s inmost Self.

Verse 725:
The Guru within, the Self, by the power of love pulls in the mind and merges it in the Heart.

Verse 728:
The Guru´s love supreme and the keen quest „Who am I ?“ (= abidance in the Heart)
will work togethert as mutual aids, and bring you to the state of oneness with
the Self Supreme.

Verse 730:
Meditation on own´s own being is supreme devotion to all-transcending Siva.

Verse 731:
Meditation on the Self, Jnana Vichara, is devotion to Siva Supreme, Bhakti Vichara, since He abides as this our very Self.

Jnana = Bhakti

Verse 732:
If one discovers who this „I“ is, the ego dies –
it merges into the Being which is both Love and Guru Supreme.

Meditation is the inner attitude that one is the Self Supreme, Being-Awareness-Bliss.
Vichara, Enquiry, is making the mind abide firmly in the Self till the false ego perishes.

Verse 739:
BE free from all thoughts, and you will gain the formless state of pure Kaivalya !

Verse 740:
How can the ego-I imagine itself as That, when That, its source,
can only be attained after completely destroying the ego-I ?
The right way is, the ego gone, abiding in the Heart in silence.

Verse 741:
Enquire „Who am I ?“ and find the Self within the Heart !

Verse 773:
Apart from this the mind has no task to do or thought to think !

Verse 774:
The Stillness shining as Pure Being is our true nature.

Verse 846:
Save the destruction of the idea „I am this body.“ make no other effort.
This body-sense is the only cause of every kind of bondage, pain and sorrow.

Verse 847:
What is Moksha ?
What is the highest attainment ?
The ending of the foolish, false illusion thast „I am this body.“.

Verse 855:
Unless the ego-sense, the knot binding matter and awareness, snaps,
the Supreme Truth of Pure Being is unattainable.

Verse 861:
The quest „Who am I ?“ alone destroys the body-bound ego´s life.

Verse 863:
Without the body-bound ego´s death there is no experience of Pure Being.

Verse 864:
He whose false ego has been merged into Being-Awareness,
he alone abides within the Heart in peace serene and natural bliss.

Verse 865:
Only when the ego dies is the experience of the Self Supreme born.

Verse 866:
When the sense „I am this body.“ dies,
all troublesome illusions and confusions vanish once and for all.
Within the Heart the nondual Self, pure Awareness, shines as I-I.

Verse 868:
Sahaja Samadhi, natural abidance in sattva stillness, is the beauty of Jnana,
the experience of Being.

Verse 878:
The Self alone is the True Eye.
Only of the Self one has direct and immediate knowledge.
But minds averted from the Self look through the senses at a world other than the Self, and think it can be known directly.

Verse 879:
The Self that shines as the Infinite Eye can never see phenomenal triads.
Its gaze, the blazing flame of Pure Awareness, burns all other things to its own fiery brightness.

Verse 882:
The self shines ever bright, direct, as Pure Awareness.
When our ignorance, forgetfulness of the Self, is removed, we gain no new thing,
but firm certitude.

Verse 883:
The world, Siva and jiva, the three mind-shaped entities,
are made of the sole Being-Awareness (SAT-CIT).

Verse 884:
The Self is here within, search for It there, and find It !

Verse 885:
Only the path of Self-enquiry can take one to the fount of Bliss,
the treasure shining in the Heart forever as the Self !

Verse 890:
The empirical world lacks even the slightest trace of Being.
Everything perceived is a mere phenomenon or appearance conceived on It.

Verse 891:
It abides as one, though It appears as many.
All beings are only that sole Being.

Verse 892:
In your Heart shines the Self as true Being-Awareness.

Verse 894:
Abiding in this natural state of Pure Being is true Samadhi.
Freed from the limiting sense of being this or being that, stay as that boundless Infinitude !

Verse 895:
Silent Samadhi, the ultimate goal of Jnana, is the wholly egoless state.
Till you attain the silent stillness of being THAT,
your aim and effort should be to destroy the ego !

Verse 896:
Unlike the ego which rises and sets, the True Self abides forever the same.
Turn your back on the false ego, and so destroy it, and then shine as the one Self alone !

Verse 897:
In the final Supreme State there is no ego-I, there is only the sole Self, the Heart.

Verse 898:
When we with mind serene and still experience pure unbroken Being –
that is Samadhi.
In this state mind abides as the Self.

Verse 900:
Moveless and unbroken Being-Awareness amounts to the attainment of Sivahood.
For, mere Being-Awareness, without a knower to be known, is the purest form of Siva.

Verse 901:
When the identity with the body is transcended,
the Self as Being-Awareness is MOUNA and Supreme Bliss.

Verse 902:
Meditation is stillness – it is the extinction of the „I“.
The primal ground whose being is silence – THAT I AM !

Verse 913:
Unsteady and weavering minds find only failure and frustration.

Verse 916:
It is true wisdom to restrain the mind from flowing out into any of the five senses,
the home of every sorrow and pain.
Keep it still !

Verse 917:
One fails to see one´s own Self, when the mind is full of thoughts.

Verse 918:
The calm and clear Being-Awareness when there is no movement of the mind
is firm Samadhi, Moksha-like.
Try earnestly to free the mind from thoughts !

Verse 920:
The painful dream of this phenomenal world will never diasppear,
unless the mind gets destroyed forever.

Verse 922:
The world seen and she who sees it are the Self alone.

Verse 939:
Since in Turiya the three states are seen as false appearances,
the Fourth is also that beyond the Fourth – Turiyatita !

Verse 941:
Brahman, Pure Being, is perfect stillness.

Verse 961:
When the ego burns and dies,
the steady flame of Bhakti shines as the true clear light of Self-experience

Verse 966:
That which IS, forever shines in Grace as I, the Self, the Heart.

Verse 967:
Mind inward-turned and ego dead, there shines the Self, being-Awareness.
Though transcending form and feature, the Self appears as Guru.

Verse 970:
We are surrounded on all sides by the nectareous flow of grace.
Yet we suffer from delusion like fools !
We are blind, for we look outward, not within !

Verse 971:
When the body-bound ego dies, the jiva shines as mere Awareness,
which is Being only, full of Bliss.

Verse 978:
We are Bliss – ANANDA.

Verse 980:
Pure Being, our Self-nature, That alone exists eternally.
Apart from That, all objects we perceive are illusive appearances that come and go,
while That, unmoving and unchanged, abides the same forever.

Verse 985:
In our Being, Pure Awareness, all objects are the self alone.

Verse 987:
All are Brahman, nothing else.

Verse 996:
The nondual state where there is no „I“ and „you“,
the ego-mind having merged in the true Self – this is union with Siva.

Verse 997:
When „I“ is gone, of what use are spoken words ?

Verse 1006:
Nondual infinite Being-Awareness is purest Bliss serene !

When the false notion „I am this body.“ dies, the bright silent Self abides.
The only state free from all pain and desire is pure Self-Being.

Verse 1013:
Without the Guru´s Grace which kills the ego, root of all defects,
no one can know Being-Awareness.

Verse 1022:
When the ego turns inward questioning its source,
the Being-Awareness which shines in the Heart as I-I – That is our eternal being.

Verse 1025:
Self-Being alone is the true state, which is love.

Verse 1026:
Being is by its nature Bliss supreme.

Verse 1028:
Instead of wandering in the world, abide in your own natural state,
which is Bliss supreme !

Verse 1029:
Bliss is the very nature of the Self.
Self is the infinitude of Bliss.
All Being is but Bliss.
Knowing this firmly, abide in the self, enjoying Bliss forever !

Verse 1035:
In all states you shine as the bodiless Being.
This is your true nature as the Self.

Verse 1037:
Brahman is Jnana, Pure Being.

Verse 1038:
The Self is without qualities, it does nothing.
The Self IS Being-Awareness.

Verse 1040:
When the false ego has disappeared and we abide in the peace within,
the Self shines of Itself spontanously.

Verse 1049:
The Self abides as THAT WHICH IS.

Verse 1055:
Brahman, the One-without-a-second, has for His Being primordial Bliss;
no blank, though seeming void, the plentytide of Bering-Awareness
is the sole Reality.

Verse 1056:
Where the I-thought is fully absent, there is MOUNA, there is the Self.

Verse 1057:
The Self alone is Siva, the jiva and the world.
The Self is the ultimate abode of everything and Siva Supreme.

Verse 1066:
Earnestly strive for the extinction of all thoughts !
You will gain the gracious silence of steady Being-awareness.

Verse 1075:
The truth that shines in perfect stillness deep within us all, Being-awareness,
is the Self.

Verse 1077:
Bliss is the real nature of the Self.

Verse 1088:
Why do you suffer in vain believing that you are the body ?

Verse 1099:
Though devotees give to Siva countless names, forms and attributes,
His Being in truth is only formless, pure Awareness.

Verse 1100:
The transcendent speech uttered by the Heart in perfect stillness shining
is true worship of real Being.

Verse 1103:
Learn to practice firm abidance at the feet of Supreme Siva, the eternal Silence,
which alone can still the ego´s restlessness.

Verse 1104:
Those whose awareness has subsided in the Heart know the flowless state of Being.

Verse 1120:
Those who live within the Heart the lif of pure Being-Awareness
find no happiness in the trivial pleasures of the senses.
The still, silent state of Being is the one boundless and unbroken Bliss Supreme of Brahman.

Verse 1121:
No more will she who has reached her Being-Awareness forget the Self and be reborn.

Verse 1122:
Those whose minds have died into True Being will no more be born or die.

Verse 1124:
If once the primal knot is cut, never again can one be bound
for this is one´s true natural Being – supreme power, serene peace.

Verse 1144:
The state of jivanmukti is to know and BE the Self, and so to have ended the ego-I
which sprang from forgetfulness of one´s True Being.

Verse 1157:
Many study the scriptures and commentaries – only a few seek the Self and gain true life !

Verse 1158:
Better leave scholars alone, and enter the presence of a seer established in the Supreme Self !

Verse 1174:
Innumerable expoistory treaties cannot explain the Infinite Being of Brahman.
Yet, the rare, true Guru´s silence does reveal It.
Such silence is more eloquent than speech.

Verse 1176:
What is true religion ?
It is not endlessly debating; it is the silence, the experience of Being-Awareness-Bliss.

Verse 1179:
Diving within enquiring „Who am I ?“, the Self alone abides, and
the poor ego-I fades away.
Can there be a sense of difference in that still silence ?

Verse 1180:
The nonduality is the absence of all sense of difference.

Verse 1182:
The true uninterrupted speech between disciple and teacher is but
both abiding in that state where two minds merging become one.

Verse 1183:
What is the Bliss Supreme attained by keen enquiry, what the Self experienced in the Heart ?
It is pure Mouna, fully free from false dualistic knowledge.

Verse 1185:
The final door into Mukti´s realm is only Mouna.

Verse 1186:
Uninterrupted and whole-minded concentration on the Self, our true nondual Being –
this is Mouna, pure, supreme, the goal !

Verse 1187:
The inner Mouna, steady, firm, which praises Siva in silence bright,
the speech divine beyond all words – this stillness is true, natural worship.

Verse 1188:
She who in Siva has discovered her own true Being, she alone regards the state of wholeness, Mouna, identified with nothing else but Siva, abides forever as Siva, free as Siva.

Verse 1192:
Seek the Self !
It is wisdom to gain and abide in Mouna.

Verse 1193:
Mouna pure is firm abidance in egoless true Being-Awareness.
The means to It is clinging to the Self within the Heart.

Verse 1197:
The plentitude of selfaware Being is blissful, transcendent speech – Mouna.

Verse 1199:
Unless the noise of thoughts subsides, one cannot know the supreme Bliss of Mouna.

Verse 1204:
Give up all thoughts, pursue Mouna alone, Siva Himself, the True Being !

Verse 1205:
The mark of true Bhakti is perfect peace without a thought.

Verse 1210:
The fortunate ones who in the Self abide forever, they alone have realised the Truth.

Verse 1221:
That which in the Heart remains as one´s own natural Being, that and that alone is Mukti.

Verse 1222:
Pure Being-Awareness, perfect peace, egoless silence, the supreme state of Being –
this is eternal Siva, this is Mukti´s plentitude.

Verse 1224:
Mukti is Bliss Supreme, Pure Being, free from all desires.

Verse 1228:
In Ultimate Truth all things are only Being-Awareness.

Verse 1232:
When one is still and does not think, then THAT without name and form
shines forever as „I AM“ – that Awareness alone is True Being.

Verse 1236:
The ego-mind can never know Being-Awareness.

Verse 1238:
Abide thoughtfree within the Heart, do not engage your mind in thoughts.

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