Ray, The secret of the Vajra-World
Jigme Lingpa u.a., Deity, Mantra and Wisdom
Vessantara, Das weise Herz der Buddhas
Vessantara, Zum Wohle aller Wesen
Vessantara, Flammen der Verwandlung
Rockwell, The five widsdom energies
James Low, Eins mit Guru Rinpoche
Yeshe Tsogyal, The Lotus-Born
Simmer-Brown, Dakini´s warm breath
Tsemo, The yogini´s eye
Michaela Haas, Dakini Power
Shaw, Buddhist Goddesses of India
Vanamati, The play of the divine mother
The vision of the divine feminine
Martin Boord, A bolt of lightening from the blue (VAJRAKILA)
Martin Boord, Gathering the elements (VAJRAKILA)
Martin Boord, A roll of thunder from the void (VAJRAKILA)